Love inspired jewellery

As spring is full swing in our special piece of paradise it has reminded me to stop awhile amongst the hustle and bustle of my busy life and think about those things that I am most thankful for… The things I love.
I then thought it a perfect time to let you all know about some of our “Love inspired” items in our unique New Zealand Jewellery range. Here are some of my absolute favourites.
PE236/PE136 –Heart Dangle Earrings
PE214/PE114 – Heart Stud Earrings
GP913/PO913 – Heart Ring
GP847/PO847 – Heart Pendant
GO447 – Heart Pendant – Jade
GP801/PO801 – Ornate Heart Pendant
GP864/PO864 Heart Pendant in Circle
GP539/PO539 – Round in Heart Pendant
GB847/PB847 – Heart Bangle
We’ve all seen and used the heart symbol many times in our lives. Whether you draw it in a card, text it to someone, or buy a cut-out in a store to give someone, the heart symbol is one of the most recognized symbols in the world.
It can mean so many different things to different people – but to me personally the heart is the focus of a person’s physical and spiritual being, and represents the “central wisdom of feeling as opposed to the head-wisdom of reason”
It is compassion and understanding, life-giving and complex. I see it as the ultimate symbol for love.
I purchased the Heart Dangle Earrings as a special and unique gift for my darling daughter’s birthday and she wears them very nearly every day. They remind us of that special bond we always have with each other.
I gave her the Paua Heart Ring as a special gift following the birth of my baby grandson. The beautiful Paua Shell heart on this elegant timeless piece of jewellery symbolises the unconditional love I have for my family.
I have often purchased other beautiful pieces of our unique Heart jewellery to give to family and dear friends to commemorate birthdays, Christmas or even just a token of my appreciation – the perfect way to say thank you to anyone is with jewellery! They are also perfect for bridesmaid’s jewellery.
New Zealand Paua is considered the rarest and most beautiful in the world and is loved by all that may wear it.
So no matter what the occasion – or whomever you wish to show love to I am sure that you will find the perfect piece of elegant timeless piece of Heart shaped jewellery from our New Zealand Jewellery range which will symbolise the love of many things – including those for whom we may purchase it.
PE225/PE125 – Double Twist Earrings Paua Shell
GP884/PO884 – Double Twist Pendant Paua Shell
SP29 – Double Twist Pendant – Sterling Silver
SE10 – Double Twist Earrings – Sterling Silver
GO884 – Double Twist pendant – Jade
JE225 – Double Twist Earrings – Jade
A very strong and long lasting design, the double twist represents a spiritual merger of two people for eternity. Although the lives of loved ones will take different paths, they will always be connected, crossing each-other in life or death. It is a potent statement of loyalty, friendship and love. I often purchase these Paua Earrings and Pendant as a set for my nearest and dearest as a meaningful gift especially those who may live far away from me.
The native people of New Zealand, The Maori translate the word ‘twist’ to ‘pikorua’ in their native language.
It is believed that its design comes from the piko piko fern whose fronds curl around one another in our native bush. To them it resembles the path of life and eternity. Traditionally they were a perfect gift among lovers, family, and friends and even in situations where a loved one has passed.
Our elegant unique New Zealand Jewellery twist design honours this tradition as it symbolises the bond between two people, whether founded in friendship, love or blood. It connects the spirits of friends, family and lovers, bringing them closer together across space and time. I am sure you agree that they certainly are a beautiful set of precious keepsakes.