Teardrop Jewellery
As the snow from the mountain tops melt and the cold frosty mornings get fewer I’ve been contemplating our “water” inspired unique New Zealand Jewellery pieces in our range.
PE439/PE339 – Teardrop Earrings
PE486/PE386 – Teardrop Hoop Earrings
PE241/PE141 – Teardrop Swirl Dangle Earrings
GP874/PO874 – Teardrop Swirl Pendant
GP582/PO582 – Large Tear Drop Pendant
The Teardrop range of jewellery – to me personally Teardrop crystals symbolize the end of tears and beginning of joy and happiness. The beautiful Teardrop shaped cabochon in these elegant pieces of jeweller always brings me happiness whenever I wear them and I am often complimented on their beautiful colours.
In New Zealand history the Maori culture has historically been oral. This means they had no written language to pass on cultural heritage.
As a result carvings and other art forms flourished as a means to pass on ancestry, major historic events, beliefs, legends, and other cultural elements.
Traditionally the Maori people of New Zealand used one symbol that offered a particularly important message this was Roimata, or the drop stone. It is symbolic of the teardrop and a stylised version of the powerful Toki (the axe, representing strength, courage and leadership). The Roimata is often called the comfort stone, and was given as a way to show empathy, solidarity and shared emotion. Many people use the symbol of Roimata to convey reassurance and it was seen as a powerful healing symbol.
Today, the teardrop or Roimata symbol can be a way to acknowledge that life can be tough and when people we love experience difficult times and struggles, we can let them know that they are cared for. That when we may face adversity the teardrop Roimata can be a token to encourage us to hang on in there.
For the Maori people the Roimata is traditionally shaped as a longer teardrop but other shapes are also available and which have slightly different meanings.
Long Slender Drops (Kuru): Helps encourage knowledge, confidence and independence.
Short Drops: Strength, confidence, loyalty and pride.
So whichever shape of my unique Ariki New Zealand Paua Shell jewellery from the Teardrop range I wear reminds me of these attributes and I always feel immense pride whenever I am wearing these quality handcrafted precious items.
Raindrop Pendants
GP532/PO532 Raindrop Pendant
GP586/PO586 – Antique Raindrop Pendant
GP580/PO580 – Droplet Pendant
GP871/PO871 – Dew Drop Pendant
The smooth sleek lines of our drop Pendants symbolises the life-giving raindrops or dew drops which keep our beautiful country so fresh green and fertile.
Rain is nourishment for the earth and is known as the water of life. Rain takes many forms and can be anything from a gentle sprinkling and light watering of the earth, up to a torrid downpour and possible flooding; life giving on one hand and potentially death dealing on the other. Rain is a very serious affair, especially wherever water is scarce and/or crops are growing. A wonderful, (surviving) example of this seriousness is the world famous Native American rain dances, created to induce rain. To many city dwellers (or non-farmers) rain is seen as more of an annoyance than anything else. As you can guess, the meaning of the raindrop changes depending on the scarcity and/or need of water/rainfall.
Our cute wee Dew drop pendant evokes memories of moonlit evenings, cool and clear after a warm sunny day in late summer- the grass covered in droplets glistening like silver in the moonlight giving the feeling that the earth is being cleansed and refreshed overnight.
But in winter time here in New Zealand these dew drops and rain drops may freeze turning them into snow and frost. Covering the land in white diamond like crystals which shimmer and sparkle on the cold crisp clear sunny days. Hanging suspended on grass leaves and bushes….they truly are remarkable and so beautiful to see.