Moeraki Boulders

spherical stones
Image by Bernd Hildebrandt from Pixabay

You simply can’t drive along the North Otago coast without stopping to stare at the Moeraki Boulders – they’re amazing!

Mysterious spherical stones lay scattered across the beach. Each boulder weighs several tonnes and is up to two metres high. Scientists explain the boulders as calcite concretions formed about 65 million years ago. But according to our Native New Zealand people the Māori legend, the boulders are gourds washed ashore from the great voyaging canoe Araiteuru when it was wrecked upon landfall in New Zealand hundreds of years ago.

Early morning and late afternoon are the prime times for photography, when brilliant soft sunlight is cast across the rocks; making for spectacular photographic opportunities. Other times, such as when storms are rolling in, provide an atmosphere and scene that can’t be matched anywhere else in New Zealand, or the world!