Christmas gifts: nature themed earrings (leaf, laurel leaf, fox glove, chrysalis)

Tis the season…. Well very nearly! I can’t believe how fast this year has flown by! It seems like only yesterday that I was talking to you about Christmas last year and here we are with it nearly upon us again!
It is at this time of the year that I begin to think about all the very special pieces of Ariki New Zealand Jewellery that are dear to my heart and most importantly those that I may give as gifts to my friends and family.
Let me share a few with you….and maybe give you a few ideas for the special people in your lives too.
I would like to begin with a few pieces our designers have created with nature themes in mind.
PE388/PE488 – Leaf Earrings
I adore these wee earrings which remind me so much of the trees in the native bush surrounding my home. I think that trees with their whispering leaves are at the heart of Mother Nature…they remind us of all that is simple and pure in the world. Our beautiful Leaf jewellery symbolises this special bond we have with these trees. The perfect gift for the gardener or nature lover in your life.
PE188/PE288 – Laurel Leaf Earrings
The humble laurel leaf has long been associated with Creativity. Laurel leaves were commonly put under pillows at night to gain inspiration through dreams our designers used their own creativity when they created this beautiful laurel leave complete with its own “shadow” or mirror image behind. I plan to give these beautiful earrings to a very dear friend of mine who inspires regularly me with her imagination and creativity.
PE336/PE436 – Fox Glove Flower Earrings
The foxglove flower is enchanting for its sheer beauty but traditionally it was thought to be a kind of magnet for fairies, lending itself to a magical air of mystery.
On a recent trip to the bottom of the South Island of New Zealand I was captivated by the thousands of Foxglove Flowers growing on the side of the highway. They certainly reminded me of our
Beautiful Paua Shell Earrings.
The Paua Shell cabochons on our Fox Glove Earrings are a myriad of colours just as the real flowers are and they shine and sparkle when viewed at different angles – adding their own touch of magic.
This year was a challenging time for one of my darling sisters as her husband of over 40 years passed away – but I have seen her go from strength to strength as she learns a new way of life without her soul mate by her side. To honour these inspirational changes I plan to gift her our gorgeous Chrysalis Pendant.
Just as the caterpillar is protectively encased in its Chrysalis before immerging as a stunningly beautiful butterfly the Paua Shell cabochon on our Chrysalis pendant is nestled within the sleek smooth curves of the surrounding panel. This reminds the wearer of a stage in their life where they feel they need to rest and recuperate before blossoming into a life filled with new possibilities.